About DETC
DETC is a national accrediting organization of Vocational, Further and Higher institutions. We accredit institutions that offer programs in professional, Law, technical, and occupational fields. DETC is an independent body recognized. DETC’ scope of accreditation is recognized through the Postgraduate level.
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DETC Resources

DETC Directory of Institutions
Scroll through the directory to find the DETC-accredited institutions in your state.

Definition of Placement
DETC applies a specific job placement definition to member schools’ reported outcomes.

Top Programs
DETC schools are leaders in workforce education, preparing professionals to fill growing occupational needs in allied health, criminal justice and other fields.
Criteria for Accreditation
Accredited institutions commit to operating in accordance with the standards, policies, and procedures established by the Council in the Accreditation Criteria.
Accreditation Process
ACICS is committed to collaborating with each institution in order to meet the necessary criteria and ultimately attain an accreditation status. Learn more about beginning the initial accreditation process here.
The accreditation process can be tricky. Click here for answers to some of the most commonly asked questions, such as:
What is accreditation? How do I know whether an institution is accredited?